Who benefits from a dyscalculia screening test?

Anyone aged 7 and above who is struggling with numeracy.

Even if no learning difficulty or neurodiversity is identified, a screening test can tell you more about your strengths and weaknesses. Your assessor will also keep an eye out for any other difficulties that could be responsible, such as ASD or ADHD.

On the day, you will be given:
• A printed screening certificate stating the probability of Dyscalculia.
• An advice session on what the results mean and what you can do next.
• A completely independent, professional service in a relaxed atmosphere.

Symptoms of dyscalculia

• Problems with maths attainment.
• Family history of learning difficulties.
• Short term memory problems or difficulty with sequencing.
• Falling behind peers and struggling to catch up.
• Trouble dealing with homework or paperwork.
• Problems with magnitude estimation or comparison.
• Slow processing speed.

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What will the screening tell me?

• Probability of dyscalculia
• Analysis of numerical skills
• Identification of strengths and weaknesses

In line with best practice, we do not conduct screening test on children under the age of 7. Screening Tests do not provide evidence for examination support, administration of this support lies with the school.

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What will happen on the day?

A specialist teacher with qualifications in assessing individuals will discuss your current situation and answer any questions that you may have with neurodiversity. They will guide you through the testing process, explain the results and talk about further action and support.

All of the screenings take place in a private room on a 1-to-1 basis. Everyone is unique. Your advisor will take this into account when discussing your plan of action.

Even if the test comes out as a low probability, we will advise you on the next steps and any issues that may have been flagged up.

For children we do recommend that you talk to your school prior to undertaking a screening as some schools do their own and this will ensure that the school is happy to receive results from a third party.


You may wish to pay for screening tests for your students.

We can perform screening tests on students at our centers if they come with a letter or email from your institution containing invoicing information and the service you require.

Two copies of the test results of all screenings are given on the day to the student. Please ensure that these results are obtained from them in the first instance.

How do I arrange a screening test?

A screening test normally lasts 1-2 hours.

Location Cost Contact
Indigo Dyslexia Centre, Norwich £95.00 (inc. VAT) per person Book Now

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Our Office

  • Norwich: Indigo Dyslexia Centre, 2 Duke Street Norwich Norfolk NR3 3AJ

Telephone and Email

Business Hours

  • Monday to Saturday, 9:00am - 5:00pm